Database Systems Journal

ISSN 2069 - 3230

The journal is published under the sponsorship of
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
and it is produced by the university's own publishing division,
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House

Database Systems Journal, Vol. VII, Issue 4/2016
Issue Topic: SQL Tuning

Open PDF Journal


1. Conceptual design and architecture of an informatics solution for smart trading on wholesale energy market in Romania (p. 3-12)
Adela BÂRA, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Simona OPREA, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Iuliana BOTHA, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Osman Bülent TÖR, EPRA Engineering Procurement Research Analysis, Turkey
This paper presents conceptual design and architecture of an informatics solution that aims to implement analytical models for optimization and forecasting the electricity demand and generation, simulation and what if analysis for efficient trading activities on wholesale energy markets in Romania. The informatics solution will be developed as a prototype on a cloud computing platform in order to allow easy access to energy providers and network operators.
Keywords: energy forecasting, balancing, optimization, cloud computing, energy market.
2. Study on electricity markets in Romania (p. 13-23)
Alexandra FLOREA, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
Anda BELCIU, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
In this paper, we detail about the components of the wholesale electricity market in Romania: Market for Bilateral Contracts (Central Market with continuous double negotiation of bilateral electric energy contracts (CM - OTC), Centralized Market for bilateral electric energy contracts), Day-Ahead Market (DAM), Inter-Daily Market (IM), Balancing Market (BM), Centralized Market for universal service (CMUS). In addition, for each type of market we generated diagrams with the main business processes.
Keywords: Internet of Things, smart metering system, business intelligent, electricity prosumers, consumption data.
3. A Survey of Network Based Traffic Classification Methods (p. 24-31)
Pooja MEHTA, PG Student, GTU PG School, Gandhinagar, India
Ruchil SHAH, PG Student, GTU PG School, Gandhinagar, India
With the far reaching utilization of encryption systems in system applications, scrambled organize activity has as of late gotten to be an incredible challenge for organize management. These truths raise essential difficulties, making it important to devise viable answers for overseeing system traffic. Since conventional strategies are somewhat incapable and effortlessly circumvent, specific consideration has been paid to the advancement of new approaches for traffic classi?cation. This paper focuses on different types of network classification approaches.
Keywords: Encryption, Network traffic, Traffic classification, Quality of Service.
4. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services (p. 32-39)
Claudiu PIRNAU, Politehnica University, Bucharest, Romania
Mihai Alexandru BOTEZATU, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
From a functional perspective, a service is a standalone unit, such as taking a request from an e-commerce site. By this definition, a service is an operation that can be invoked discreetly. Services can be combined to provide the functionality of a high scope software. SOA makes it easier for different software components on computers connected via a network to cooperate in order to accomplish a certain functionality. SOA comprises several dimensions that must work together effectively to be successful. The adoption of service-based technology itself will not allow organizations to achieve benefits associated with SOA.
Keywords: SOA, Web Services, XML, WSDL.
5. Radio Data System-Platform for traffic and travel information services (p. 40-46)
Claudiu Dan BARCA, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
In the current National and European context where the public information is simultaneously spread on multiple channels and especially through mass-media channels, the text messaging services from public radio channels proved to be very useful and efficient for this purpose. Over the years, the use of a warning system like Radio Data System (RDS), at a global level shown, through text message or sound alarms is useful for the drivers to know the traffic, as well as for being aware of any emergency situations (fires, floods, earth-quakes). In this paper we present the characteristics of an RDS system with the Alert feature, as well as the study of radio covering of four from the Romanian National Radio News network's broadcasting points.
Keywords: RDS, RDS-TMC, Alert, radio coverage, emergency systems.
6. Graphical interface for eCall incidents (p. 47-53)
Claudiu Dan BARCA, Romanian-American University, Bucharest, Romania
Using data on incidents eCall in traffic control center I have designed a graphical interface between PSAP 112 and national traffic control center. The interface is modular, each component is implemented as a separate module, of which architecture respects the design pattern MVVM (Model View View-Model). This will get a timely response for traffic management in the area and obtain traffic information in the area.
Keywords: eCall, graphical interface, traffic management, traveler information services, Model View View-Model.