Database Systems Journal, Vol. III, Issue 1/2012
1. Architecture of Automated Database Tuning Using SGA Parameters (p. 3-10)Hitesh KUMAR SHARMA, ITM University, IndiaFaridabad Aditya SHASTRI, Banasthali University, India Ranjit BISWAS, Manav Rachna International University, India |
Business Data always growth from kilo byte, mega byte, giga byte, tera byte, peta byte, and so far. There is no way to avoid this increasing rate of data till business still running. Because of this issue, database tuning be critical part of a information system. Tuning a database in a cost-effective manner is a growing challenge. The total cost of ownership (TCO) of information technology needs to be significantly reduced by minimizing people costs. In fact, mistakes in operations and administration of information systems are the single most reasons for system outage and unacceptable performance [3]. One way of addressing the challenge of total cost of ownership is by making information systems more self-managing. A particularly difficult piece of the ambitious vision of making database systems self-managing is the automation of database performance tuning. In this paper, we will explain the progress made thus far on this important problem. Specifically, we will propose the architecture and Algorithm for this problem.
Keywords: Database Tuning, DBA, SGA, SGA Parameters, Automated Tuning, TOC. |
2. Integrating XML Technology with Object-Relational Databases into Decision Support Systems (p. 11-20)Iuliana BOTHA, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, RomaniaAdela BARA, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Simona-Vasilica OPREA, Transelectrica Company, Bucharest, Romania Ticiano COSTA JORDÃO, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic |
This paper presents some informatics technologies, like XML and object-relational databases, and the main motivations for implementing them in Decision Support Systems (DSS). Also, it is proposed and analyzed a conceptual model of a DSS prototype, which can be applied in the uncertain and unpredictable environments, like the production and the prediction of the wind energy.
Keywords: Object-Relational Databases, XML, Decision Support Systems, Wind Energy, Power Plants. |
3. Integration of Information Technologies in Enterprise Application Development (p. 21-32)Iulia SURUGIU, TotalSoft, Bucharest, Romania |
Healthcare enterprises are disconnected. In the era of integrated information systems and Internet explosion, the necessity of information systems integration reside from business process evolution, on the one hand, and from information technology tendencies, on the other hand. In order to become more efficient and adaptive to change, healthcare organizations are tremendously preoccupied of business process automation, flexibility and complexity. The need of information systems integration arise from these goals, explaining, at the same time, the special interest in EAI. Extensible software integration architectures and business orientation of process modeling and information systems functionalities, the same as open-connectivity, accessibility and virtualization lead to most suitable integration solutions: SOA and BPM architectural styles in a cloud computing environment.
Keywords: EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), BPM (Business Process Management), SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), WOA (Web Oriented Architecture). |
4. SOA - An Architecture Which Creates a Flexible Link between Business Processes and IT (p. 33-40)Radu Stefan MOLEAVIN, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
To be viable, a company must be adapted continously to the market’s requirements. The adaption of a company to the market’s requirements means also changes in the business processes of the firm. Till several years ago, in any enterprise there was a strong link between business processes and IT applications. Any changes in the business processes lead to a change in the IT applications. This means that any change in the business side involves time, human resources and material resources consumption.This fact can be translated in a slow adapting to the market changes and a cost increasing for changing IT applications side necessary for their adaptation to new business market. Today the market changes quickly and it has a great development; this means that the enterprise adaptation to the market’s requirements must be done quickly and with low consumption of either human or material resources. Also, the market changes which cause changes in the business processes should not cause major changes in the IT area. This goal can be achieved using an architecture services-based (SOA) for the enterprise. This architecture allows us, like in a puzzle game, to use the same pieces of material ("services") to build different models ("business processes").
Keywords: SOA, Web Services, Business Processes, ESB. |
5. SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server - A Complete Solution Designed To Meet the Full Spectrum of Enterprise Data Integration Needs
Silvia BOLOHAN, SAS Analytical Solutions Romania
This paper is about why is Data Integration important for organisations around the world. Organizations struggle daily with the challenges of large distributed data volumes, inconsistently defined data across disparate systems and the high expectations of data consumers who depend on information to be correct, complete and available when they need it. SAS Enterprise Data Integration Server provides a comprehensive solution that enables organizations to solve these challenges in a timely, cost-effective manner with the ability to efficiently manage data integration projects on an enterprise scale, increasing overall productivity and reducing the total cost of ownership.
Keywords: Metadata, data cleansing, data integration, ETL, ELT. |
6. Borderless Crime - Computer Fraud (p. 49-58)Raluca Georgiana POPA, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
Starting from the consideration that fighting cybercrime is a continuous process, the more the types of old crimes are committed today through modern means (computer fraud) at distances of thousands of kilometers, international cooperation is vital to combat this phenomenon. In EU countries, still under financial crisis "the phrase", cybercrime has found a "positive environment" taking advantage of poor security management systems of these countries.
Factors that led criminal groups to switch "their activities" are related to so-called advantages of the "gains" obtained with relatively low risk.
In Romania, more than any of the EU member states criminal activities set as target financial institutions or foreign citizens, weakening confidence in financial systems and the security of communication networks in our country, people's confidence in electronic payment instruments and those available on the Internet.
Keywords: Computer Crime, International Cooperation, Security, Computer Fraud, Computer Systems. |
7. Perspectives on the Role of Business Rules in Database Design (p. 59-67)Anca Ioana ANDREESCU, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, RomaniaMarinela MIRCEA, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
Business rules are at the foundation of every information system as they drive and offer guidelines for managing and conducting all activities within an organizations. They are important both for operational systems and for analytical ones, as they can serve as data quality rules. Several business rules implementation solutions are presented and analyzed, according to some basic criteria that have to be taken into account when choosing a business rules implementation strategy. This paper also emphasizes how an explicit manipulation of business rules influence the database design.
Keywords: Database design, business rules, implementation strategies. |