Database Systems Journal, Vol. V, Issue 2/2014
1. Integrating BI Tools in an Enterprise Portal for a better Enterprise Management (p. 3-12)Gianina MIHAI, "Dunarea de Jos" University, Galati, Romania |
Access to information has always been a stringent necessity for any organization. This necessity has become more stringent in the actual economic context, as decisions must be taken in the shortest time. That is why, since the early sixties, Decision Support Systems emerged. They have evolved together with the client-server technology, during the eighties, towards today's Executive Support Systems. Nowadays, these systems tend to be replaced by Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards as individual BI tools or as integrated tools, which are part of more complex BI solutions, which fulfill the more and more sophisticated and growing information requirements from decision factors. In this paper, we shall present a partial integration solution of the BI tools in an enterprise portal created using Microsoft SharePoint Server technologies. Initially, the enterprise portal which we'll present in this paper was meant to be more a general solution for the informational integration of an organization and less than a portal with strong BI features. But, as we shall demonstrate by the means of this paper, the portal prototype, as it is now, can be rapidly expanded to an enterprise portal with full BI features.
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Enterprise portal, Dashboard, KPI, Integrated reporting. |
2. SGA Dynamic Parameters: The Core Components of Automated Database Tuning (p. 13-21)Hitesh KUMAR SHARMA, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, IndiaAditya SHASTRI, Banasthali University, India Ranjit BISWAS, Hamdard University, India Sanjeev KUMAR SINGH, Galgotia University Noida, India |
The efficient use of primary memory is one of the major key for the good performance achieved from the any kind of server. The management of the various components stored in the main memory is the key challenge to get the desired throughput from an application running on the server. As we know the DBMS mostly works on client-server architecture. So the memory management for the DBMS's components stored in the main memory of the server is the critical task for a DBA. The DBA should have the knowledge of the components those are stored in main memory during runtime. This paper helps the DBA to get the detailed description of these core components of DBMS.
Keywords: SGA, DBMS, DBA, Dynamic Parameters. |
3. Analysis on the Metrics used in Optimizing Electronic Business based on Learning Techniques (p. 22-32)Irina-Steliana STAN, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, RomaniaIon-Sorin STROE, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
The present paper proposes a methodology of analyzing the metrics related to electronic business. The drafts of the optimizing models include KPIs that can highlight the business specific, if only they are integrated by using learning-based techniques. Having set the most important and high-impact elements of the business, the models should get in the end the link between them, by automating business flows. The human resource will be found in the situation of collaborating more and more with the optimizing models which will translate into high quality decisions followed by profitability increase.
Keywords: Electronic business, Learning systems, KPIs, Optimization, Performance, Models, Decision. |
4. Query Optimization Techniques in Microsoft SQL Server (p. 33-48)Costel Gabriel CORLATAN, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, RomaniaMarius Mihai LAZAR, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Valentina LUCA, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania Octavian Teodor PETRICICA, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system, having MS-SQL and Transact-SQL as primary structured programming languages. They rely on relational algebra which is mainly used for data insertion, modifying, deletion and retrieval, as well as for data access controlling. The problem with getting the expected results is handled by the management system which has the purpose of finding the best execution plan, this process being called optimization. The most frequently used queries are those of data retrieval through SELECT command. We have to take into consideration that not only the select queries need optimization, but also other objects, such as: index, view or statistics.
Keywords: SQL Server, Query, Index, View, Statistics, Optimization. |
5. The Transition from RDBMS to NoSQL. A Comparative Analysis of Three Popular Non-Relational Solutions: Cassandra, MongoDB and Couchbase (p. 49-59)Cristina BAZAR, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, RomaniaCosmin Sebastian IOSIF, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
NoSQL databases were built in the need to deal with the increasing amount of complex data (Big Data), required in real-time web applications, and are mostly addressing some of these points: the focus on availability over consistency, horizontally scalable, distributed architecture, and open-source. The purpose of this paper is to present the reasons for a transition from RDBMS to NoSQL databases, to describe the main characteristics of non-relational databases and to compare and analyze three popular NoSQL solutions - Cassandra, MongoDB and CouchBase, outlining the results obtained during performance comparison tests. Each solution is optimized for different workloads and different use cases. Therefore, each has its own strong points and weaknesses.
Keywords: NoSQL, Relational vs NoSQL, comparison, Cassandra, MongoDB, Couchbase. |
5. Business Intelligence. A Presentation of the Current Lead Solutions and a Comparative Analysis of the Main Providers (p. 60-69)Bogdan-Andrei IONESCU, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, RomaniaSorina PODARU, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
The aim of this paper is to synthesize the concepts behind Business Intelligence, by studying the solutions available on the market provided by the main players. We will present the software solutions already provided by them emphasizing the main advantages and benefits of each of them, but also as a comparative analysis, designed to reveal the area in which each provider is more remarkable than the others.
Keywords: Business Intelligence, Analysis, Report, Prognosis, Management, OLAP, IBM, SAP, SAS, ORACLE. |